About William Oliver's

A Neighborhood Pub Supporting our Community

As a neighborhood pub our local community is our lifeblood. We don’t take that responsibility lightly and work hard to be a positive driver for success. Check out the links below to learn more about the organizations we support.
Supporting our Customers: We believe strongly in being a responsible retailer. Which is why we are a proud member of the Tavern League. Working within a strict code of ethics to ensure patron safety including wellness and prevention initiatives.
Supporting our Employees: William Oliver’s offers a full range of benefits and excellent pay to all our staff. In addition to great pay, our staff receive paid-time-off, a matching 401k retirement plan, and bonuses.

What’s with the Pig?

Manannán mac Lir is a sea deity in Irish mythology. He is the son of Lir (an Irish sea god) and is often seen as a psychopomp (a conductor of souls to the afterworld) with strong affiliations to the Otherworld, the weather, and the mists between the worlds.
According to legend, Manannán had a number of pigs that could be slaughtered and cooked one night, only to reappear in their pen the next day, restored to life and full health. He gifted these pigs to the Tuatha De Danann (the 5th people to settle Ireland) to help them after being displaced as the rulers of Ireland.
In modern folklore it is believed that if a pig is seen with a deformity (such as a bent leg or missing tail) then the pig must be a descendant of Manannán’s pigs, and therefore good luck. Look again at the pig on our shield and you will see his ear is missing a little piece. We placed him on our shield to symbolize good luck and strength.
History of William Oliver’s Publick House

However, as Ryan got older, his love of the Biergarten turned into a fascination with Pubs. He fell in love with the history and lore of pubs.
In October 2009,Ryan and his spouse Tiffany (the real person in charge at William Oliver’s) began writing the 1st “business plan” on a napkin at The Field Irish Pub in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego for the dream pub they hoped to own one day.
On March 29th, 2013, they finally launched William Oliver’s Publick House in Fort Collins. The day before opening, a shelf holding 102 bottles of whisky broke free from the wall, flooding the soft opening party with whisky. But the setback could not stop Ryan’s excitement. His dream was a reality. He and his wife owned a pub.
In 2016, Ryan and Tiffany teamed up with long-time friend Michael to broaden the brand and expand to a second location in Lafayette. They chose Lafayette because Ryan had fond memories of spending time in the area growing up and loved the community.
On March 1st 2022, the 3rd location of William Oliver’s opened in Windsor.
What separates pubs
from other restaurants & bars?

A great pub has a “come as you are” attitude with a culture of hospitality and a dedication to quality. It should be the center of a small community, attracting many local characters but welcoming newcomers.
Historically, pubs were social gathering spots—a place to share a drink or two and relax among friends.
Pubs are places to connect with the local community, find reprieve, or maybe dawdle. Many modern pubs have moved significantly beyond their humble origins.
William Oliver’s wants to bring back the spirit of the original Publick Houses. Simple but great food. Quality drinks. Friendly Service.
No Live Music. No Loud TVs. No Distractions. “Just” Great Conversations and Friends.”